Improve Your Chinese with Fun Stories
Easy-to-Read Books for Mandarin Learners
The First Series of Chinese Graded Readers Focused on Taiwan and Its Culture
Level 1 : 300 Unique Characters
Level 2 : 500 Unique Characters
Other Books
Learn Chinese with The Little Prince 讀小王子學中文
Co-created by an Educator & Expert Learner
Author / Publisher

Abby has over 8 years of experience in creative writing and 5 years of experience in Mandarin teaching. She is passionate about bringing Taiwan to the world while making Chinese learning enjoyable.

Been learning Chinese since 2019 without any formal training. Passed TOCFL C1 (equivalent to HSK7+) in 2021. Really passionate about helping people learn Chinese and Taiwanese, especially through reading. Loves reading Chinese novels by Taiwanese authors.
It All Started at a Café
Abby was amazed by Sahana’s proficiency and the speed at which they learned; Sahana was captivated by Abby’s talents, especially for writing. It all took off from there.
1. How do I know which level is right for me? 怎麼知道哪一本書適合我的程度呢?
Check out the preview. If you are able to read the book and follow the story while encountering a few words you don’t know every 1 or 2 pages, this book is fine for your level.
2. Should I also buy the audiobook? 需要買audiobook嗎?
Listening along while you read allows you to pick up on not only tones as well as unfamiliar words, it also aids in understanding what natural Chinese would sound like in this context.
3. How do I support your work? 有什麼方式能支持你?
4. Can I pay with a Taiwanese bank account? 可以用台灣的銀行轉帳嗎?
Yes, please click here for the instructions. 可以,請看這裡。
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Chinese novels for intermediate learners – Chinese novels for beginners – easy Chinese novels recommendation – best Chinese graded reader recommendation – Traditional Chinese graded reader – Taiwanese Mandarin graded reader – improve Chinese reading – extensive reading for Chinese learners – TOCFL BAND B READING – HSK4 HSK5 – 繁體中文 正體中文 分級讀物 – 台灣華語 台湾華語 分級讀物 – 華語學習 小說