Latest Episodes
New here? Start with Abby’s picks
Taiwan’s History
- 90. 台灣血淚史(1) Taiwan’s Tragic History: Colonialism, 228 Incident and the White Terror
- 91. 台灣血淚史(2) Taiwan’s Painful Road to Democracy – History of Taiwan
- 108.《流麻溝十五號》A Taiwanese Film About Female Political Prisoners in the 1950s
Life in Taiwan
- 48. 鬼月&一週年心得分享 Ghost Month in Taiwan & 1 Year Behind the Scenes
- 65. 便利商店 Convenience Store Culture in Taiwan
- 74. 去早市買菜 Shopping at a Traditional Market
- 76. 租房子 Apartment Hunting in Taiwan
- 35. 辭職去台東隱居當農夫 Leaving Taipei to Start A Farm Life in Taitung ft. Jason
- 36. 內向還是外向 Are you an Introvert or Extrovert?
- 62. 聊焦慮 All About Anxiety ft. 小伊
- 95. (上)我們愛台灣的原因 Part 1: Things We Love About Taiwan ft. 日新
All Episodes
A little guide:
Transcripts from EP1 to EP65 are available here for free! (Note that some episodes are exclusive to Patreon members.) Starting from EP67, the podcasts still remain free, and you can access all the transcripts by joining my Patreon. Your support helps make my production more sustainable! 🙂
- 117. 台灣還是行人地獄嗎?Is Taiwan Still A Living Hell for Pedestrians?
- 116. 台北台南生活差異 Living in Taipei vs. Tainan
- 115. 台灣的教育制度 Education System in Taiwan
- 114. 聊港片 Nostalgic Hong Kong Movies
- 113. 必學台語詞 Common Taiwanese Words You Should Know
- 112. 318運動 Sunflower Movement in Taiwan (2014)
- 111. 河內之旅 A Trip to Hanoi
- 110. 拖延症 Procrastination ft. 日新
- 109. 瘦的文化 Thin Culture in Taiwan
- 108.《流麻溝十五號》A Taiwanese Film About Female Political Prisoners in the 1950s
- 107. 高敏感 Are You a Highly Sensitive Person?
- 106. 台灣的發票文化 Taiwan’s Unique Receipt Culture
- 105. 聊選舉 Election Culture in Taiwan
- 104. 年尾閒聊 Year-end Ramble
- 103. 被詐騙的經驗 Experience of Being Scammed
- 102.《九槍》A Documentary About Migrant Workers in Taiwan
- 101. 感冒/身體不舒服 Catching the Flu
- 100. 《亞細亞的孤兒》Taiwanese Literature: Orphan of Asia
- 99. 漫畫 Manga Recommendations for Learning Chinese
- 98. 清邁之旅 Slow Travel in Chiang Mai
- 97. 剪頭髮 Getting A Haircut in Taiwan
- 96. (下)聊我們討厭台灣的什麼 Part 2: Things We Hate About Taiwan ft. 日新
- 95. (上)我們愛台灣的原因 Part 1: Things We Love About Taiwan ft. 日新
- 94. 推薦幾部台劇 Taiwanese TV Show Recommendations
- 93. 在國外受傷 Getting injured In Australia
- 92. 甜湯 Dessert Soups
- 91. 台灣血淚史(2) Taiwan’s Painful Road to Democracy – History of Taiwan
- 90. 台灣血淚史(1) Taiwan’s Tragic History: Colonialism, 228 Incident and the White Terror
- 89. (下)如何變得比較樂觀 Part Two: How to Be More Optimistic? ft. Olga
- 88. (上) 樂觀還是悲觀 Part One: Optimistic or Pessimistic? ft. Olga
- Taiwanese Folktale – The Robin Hood of Taiwan: Liao Tian-Ding – Easy-to-read Chinese Book
- 87. 你有完美主義嗎? Are You a Perfectionist?
- 86. 紐約 24 Hours in NYC
- 85. 斷捨離 The Art of Leaving
- 84. 找工作 Job Hunting in Taiwan ft. 小伊
- 83. 貴人散步 LUCfest Music Festival
- 82. 去跳舞吧 Learning Dance in Taipei ft. Olga
- Chinese Novel: Lost in Translation咖啡店愛情故事 | Graded Reader
- 81. 地震 Earthquakes in Taiwan
- 80. 最討厭的科目 My Least Favorite School Subject
- 79. 台灣三十年來的改變、和英國的文化差異 Interview with Rob – 2
- 78. 在台南30年的英國人 Interview with Rob – 1
- 77. 《時代革命》Hong Kong Film: Revolution of Our Times, Taiwan-China Tensions
- 76. 租房子 Apartment Hunting in Taiwan
- 75. 共享單車&共享機車 Bike & Scooter Sharing in Taiwan
- Taiwanese Folk Tale: The Tiger Aunt 虎姑婆 | Chinese graded reader
- 74. 去早市買菜 Shopping at a Traditional Market
- 73. 斜槓 Slang: Slash/ Multiple careers
- 72. 在國外交朋友、練語言 How to practice Chinese by making local friends
- 71. 探索老臺北:加蚋子 Explore Taipei: Gara ft. Olga
- 70. 做惡夢 Having Nightmares
- 69. 春日閒聊 A Spring Ramble
- 68. 理性還是感性 Rational or Emotional ft. 我姐
- 67. 戴牙套 Wearing Dental Braces | 6 Minute Chinese
- 66. Bringing Taiwanese arts and culture to the U.S ft. Chantelle from Asiania
- 65. 便利商店 Convenience Store Culture in Taiwan
- 64. 《返校》Taiwanese Game/TV Series: Detention
- 63. 虎年 Tiger Year Edition
- 62. 聊焦慮 All About Anxiety ft. 小伊
- 61. 台劇《若是一個人》Taiwanese Drama: I, Myself
- 60. 跟團 vs 自助旅行 Guided Tours vs Independent Travel ft. 我姐
- 59. 我聽的台灣podcasts 6 Taiwan Podcasts I Listen To
- 58. 聊交友軟體 Online Dating Culture in Taiwan
- 57. 秋日閒聊 An Autumn Ramble
- 56. 談繪本創作 Healing through Art and Creativity ft. 小伊
- 說故事Story | # 9 | 小王子 The Little Prince
- 55. 你相信星座嗎? Do you Believe in Star Signs? ft. 我姐
- 說故事Story | # 8 | 小王子 The Little Prince
- 54. Beautiful Chinese Words
- 說故事Story | # 7 | 小王子 The Little Prince
- 53. 外國留學生在台灣的生活 Life in Taiwan as an International Student ft. Pin Cher
- 52. 3 Best Taiwanese LGBTQ Movies 我喜歡的台灣同志電影
- 說故事Story | # 6 | 小王子 The Little Prince
- 51. 失眠/睡不著 Insomnia: What to Do When You Can’t Sleep
- 50. 美國學電影:留學生活、文化差異 Study Filmmaking in Oregon
- 49. 聊聊台語 Do Taiwanese People Speak Taiwanese?
- 說故事Story | # 5 | 小王子 The Little Prince
- 48. 鬼月&一週年心得分享 Ghost Month in Taiwan & 1 Year Behind the Scenes
- 47. 選擇障礙 Difficulty Making Decisions
- 說故事Story | # 4 | 小王子 The Little Prince
- 46. 台灣的日常習慣但在澳洲看了很奇怪 Taiwanese Daily Habits That Are Considered Weird in Australia
- 說故事Story | # 3 | 小王子 The Little Prince
- 45. 咖啡店老闆的台日異國戀故事(下)A Cross Cultural Romance in an Old Cafe #2 ft. 威廉
- 說故事Story | # 2 | 小王子 The Little Prince
- 44. 咖啡店老闆的台日異國戀故事(上)A Cross Cultural Romance in an Old Cafe #1 ft. 威廉
- 說故事Story | # 1 | 小王子 The Little Prince
- 43. 熱愛閩南文化的義大利網紅 Chinese-speaking Italian Influencer ft. Giorgio
- 42. 台灣獨立音樂指南 Taiwan’s Indie Music Scene | Taipei Gig Guide ft. 霖 Ame
- Bonus: 閒聊近況、台灣的疫情 Catch up with me: Is Taiwan under lockdown?
- 41. 為什麼端午節要吃粽子? Why eat Zongzi during Dragon Boat Festival?
Older episodes
- 0. An Introduction to the Podcast
- 1. 去澳洲打工度假 Working holiday in Australia
- 2. 聊聊音樂吧!Mandarin Music
- 3. 試著培養好習慣 Building Good Habits
- 4. 台灣最宜居的城市 Most Livable Cities in Taiwan
- 5. 搭便車 Hitchhiking
- 6. 在澳洲打工度假(二)Working Holiday in Australia II
- 7. 喜歡什麼樣的電影 What Kind of Movies Do You Like?
- 8. 台灣的選舉和投票 Election & Voting in Taiwan
- 9. 電影《賽德克·巴萊》 Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale
- 10. 桃花源 Folk Story: The Peach Blossom
- 11.十月閒聊:感謝大家的支持、手作市集、中秋烤肉 October Chat
- 12. 萬聖節特別節目 Halloween Edition
- 13. 台灣的同志運動和遊行 LGBTQ Movement and Pride Parade in Taiwan
- 14. 六個台灣人愛聽的Podcast 6 Popular Taiwanese Podcasts – Advanced Chinese Listening
- 15. 心情不好的時候你會做什麼 What do you do when you’re feeling down?
- 16. 在台灣吃素容易嗎? Is Taiwan Vegetarian / Vegan-Friendly?
- 17. 流行語:「佛系」、「厭世」 Trendy Slang: Buddha-like
- 18. 台劇:想見你 Taiwanese Drama: Someday Or One Day
- 19. 聖誕節特別節目 Christmas Edition
- 20. 告別2020、新年新希望 Goodbye 2020 and New Year’s Resolution
- 21. 十年華語老師+YOUTUBER 經驗談:Katrina老師 10 Years Mandarin Teaching and YouTuber Experience Talk
- 22.「台日友好」-為什麼台灣人這麼愛日本?!ft. 我姐 What do Taiwanese people think about Japan?
- 23. 《母語日》台灣有十幾種母語?!ft. 我爸 Taiwan has over 10 different mother languages?!
- 24. 「十四年來,我的夢想是移民到台灣來。」ft. Piotr “My dream was moving to Taiwan since I visited here 14 years ago”
- 25. 台灣人在法國的文化衝擊! ft. Miss Lin :French Culture Shock for Taiwanese Living in France
- 26. 農曆新年快樂! Happy Lunar New Year!
- 27. 台灣近代史|畫家 – 陳澄波 Taiwan’s Modern History | Painter – Tan Ting-pho
- 28. 摩托車環島 Motorbike/Scooter Round-trip in Taiwan
- 29. 台灣人的英文好不好? 雙語國家可能嗎?ft. Katrina 老師 English Education in Taiwan – Will Taiwan Become Bilingual by 2030?
- 30. 旅行中遇到的人 – 機車環島(2) Scooter Round-trip in Taiwan (2)
- 31. 台劇:噬罪者 Taiwanese TV Drama: Hate the Sin, Love the Sinner
- 32. 去義大利交換就是為了環歐 Exchange in Italy and travel around Europe ft. Jacob
- 33. 抬槓|海外台灣人看台灣 Overseas Taiwanese: Jo
- BONUS EPISODE: 人人都是斜槓青年? Slash Generation ft. Ting
- 34. 聊聊感情吧!Dating and Relationship
- 35. 辭職去台東隱居當農夫 Leaving Taipei to Start A Farm Life in Taitung ft. Jason
- 36. 內向還是外向 Are you an Introvert or Extrovert?
- 37. 閒聊|極簡主義、免費市集 Minimalist Lifestyle
- 38. 職場文化差很多|西方 vs 亞洲(上)Business Cultural Differences #1 Western vs Asian ft. Jo
- 39. 職場文化差很多|美國 vs 台灣(下) Business Cultural Differences #2 the US vs Taiwan ft. Jo
- 40. 歌詞原來是這樣寫的 Chinese Lyrics | Interview with Musician 霖 Ame
- 41. 為什麼端午節要吃粽子? Why eat Zongzi during Dragon Boat Festival?
- Bonus: 閒聊近況、台灣的疫情 Catch up with me: Is Taiwan under lockdown?
- 42. 台灣獨立音樂指南 Taiwan’s Indie Music Scene | Taipei Gig Guide ft. 霖 Ame
- 43. 熱愛閩南文化的義大利網紅 Chinese-speaking Italian Influencer ft. Giorgio
- 說故事Story | # 1 | 小王子 The Little Prince
- 44. 咖啡店老闆的台日異國戀故事(上)A Cross Cultural Romance in an Old Cafe #1 ft. 威廉
- 說故事Story | # 2 | 小王子 The Little Prince
- 45. 咖啡店老闆的台日異國戀故事(下)A Cross Cultural Romance in an Old Cafe #2 ft. 威廉