小王子 The Little Prince eBook + audiobook

書 Books › The Little Prince

小王子 The Little Prince

Based on Le Petit Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Edited and Narrated by Abby

Available Versions (all include the audiobook 包含有聲書):

Traditional Chinese Characters 正體中文

Simplified Chinese Characters 简体中文

About the story 關於本書

This book is based on the classic French story Le Petit Prince and is designed for Chinese learners and uses everyday language. You will learn vocabulary that we actually say in real life with this version of the story. There are Pinyin or Zhuyin and text in English to help you follow the story.


How do I study with this eBook? 要怎麼用這本書學習?

Listen to the audiobook while reading to improve your listening and reading skills. The text in English is to help you understand the story. Ideally, you only look it up when you can’t follow the story.


Is this book suitable for my level? 這本書適合我嗎?

It’s recommended for intermediate, upper-intermediate and above levels. Feel free to check out the preview.


Reviews 讀者評論

reading, book, symbol-310397.jpg

I have to say it’s really helpful and good! Thank you so much for such good content.


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Thanks for reading this book and providing the ebook with bo po mo fo. That helps me alot. 🙂 感謝妳喔!


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謝謝你 Abby, 我已經聽了你的播客很久了,但一直猶豫不決要不要買書。當我終於決定要開始讀書時我馬上就知道可以從哪裏開始!故事挺有趣的,而且詞彙不太難也不太簡單。讀的時候我一邊學到很多一邊享受了故事。讀這本書就對了!

Cameron 卡梅倫

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