Talking about my experiences with earthquakes and 3 major earthquakes in Taiwan: 921 earthquake, 2016 southern Taiwan earthquake, and 2022 Taitung earthquakes. 聊我關於地震的經驗和台灣近幾十年來最嚴重的三場地震:921大地震(1999)、高雄美濃地震 (2016)、台東 (2022) 。
80. 最討厭的科目 My Least Favorite School Subject
Talking about the subject I hated the most in school and how cruel the teachers used to be 🙁 來聊聊以前在小學和國中我最討厭的科目,還有以前的學校和老師是如何摧殘小孩的求知慾。
77. 《時代革命》Hong Kong Film: Revolution of Our Times, Taiwan-China Tensions
I recommend the Hong Kong documentary: Revolution of Our Times. I also talk about my thoughts on the tension between Taiwan and China. 分享我看香港紀錄片《時代革命》的想法,以及對於台灣和中國間的緊張關係的想法。
76. 租房子 Apartment Hunting in Taiwan
Sharing my experiences with apartment hunting, and renting an apartment in Taipei/Taiwan. 分享在台北/台灣租房子的經驗。
75. 共享單車&共享機車 Bike & Scooter Sharing in Taiwan
Today I’m sharing my experiences with bike and scooter sharing systems in Taiwan. 分享我使用台灣的共享單車和共享機車的經驗。
圖片來源 Photo credit: Goshare
Continue reading “75. 共享單車&共享機車 Bike & Scooter Sharing in Taiwan”Taiwanese Folk Tale: The Tiger Aunt 虎姑婆 | Chinese graded reader
The Tiger Aunt eBooks & audiobook are now available!
🎉 I just published our first Chinese Graded Reader: The Tiger Aunt! It’s based on the famous Taiwanese folk tale – The Grandaunt Tiger(虎姑婆 Hǔgūpó). Most Taiwanese people grow up hearing this story.
Continue reading “Taiwanese Folk Tale: The Tiger Aunt 虎姑婆 | Chinese graded reader”74. 去早市買菜 Shopping at a Traditional Market
In this episode, I talk about my experience and the benefits of shopping at a traditional market in Taiwan, and teach you some useful Taiwanese phrases for shopping. Also an update: After thinking about it for a while, I’ve decided to switch to an episode every two weeks. Producing an episode a week is really tiring, and I’m starting to burn out. I want to maintain quality and my sanity by making the adjustment. I talk about it in more detail at the end of the episode 🙂 聊聊我最近開始去早市買菜的經驗和想法、幾句買菜可以用的台語。還有以後節目的小調整。
72. 在國外交朋友、練語言 How to practice Chinese by making local friends
When you study or work in Taiwan, how do you make local friends to practice Chinese with? Listen to this episode to find out. 回答聽眾的來信:外國人在台灣要怎麼認識台灣朋友和練習中文?分享其他聽眾朋友和我的經驗。
Tip: Turn on CC for subtitles! You can also use the free tool – language reactor to help you understand better.
70. 做惡夢 Having Nightmares
Do you know how to talk about your dreams in Mandarin Chinese? In this episode, let’s talk about dreams and nightmares. 聊聊做夢、我最近做惡夢的經驗。
69. 春日閒聊 A Spring Ramble
A spring ramble in which I talk about spring weather in Taiwan and going to an interesting music festival in a coastal village in Southern Taiwan. 和大家閒聊一下近況:台灣春天的天氣、去高雄蚵仔寮參加了一場很特別的音樂祭——蚵寮漁村小搖滾(Small Oyster Rock)。
Don’t forget to turn on CC for subtitles! (Tip: You could use the free tool Language Reactor to help you learn more effectively.)
Continue reading “69. 春日閒聊 A Spring Ramble”