Why do Chinese and Taiwanese people eat Zongzi during Dragon Boat Festival? Listen to this episode to find out the story behind it! 為何我們端午節要吃粽子呢?讓我來告訴你!
Continue reading “41. 為什麼端午節要吃粽子? Why eat Zongzi during Dragon Boat Festival?”39. 職場文化差很多|美國 vs 台灣(下) Business Cultural Differences #2 the US vs Taiwan ft. Jo
Jo再來和我們分享美國和台灣在職場文化上的大差異!Jo talks about the work culture differences between the US and Taiwan.
Continue reading “39. 職場文化差很多|美國 vs 台灣(下) Business Cultural Differences #2 the US vs Taiwan ft. Jo”38. 職場文化差很多|西方 vs 亞洲(上)Business Cultural Differences #1 Western vs Asian ft. Jo
Today’s guest – Jo has been working in the US for over 15 years and often travels to Central and South America and Southeast Asia for business. In today’s episode, we are talking about business cultural differences!
Continue reading “38. 職場文化差很多|西方 vs 亞洲(上)Business Cultural Differences #1 Western vs Asian ft. Jo”33. 抬槓|海外台灣人看台灣 Overseas Taiwanese: Jo
Jo shares about her thoughts on Taiwan as a Taiwanese living in the US for more than 20 years. 長期居住在美國、一樣熱愛台灣的Jo,來跟我聊聊她對台灣的看法。
Continue reading “33. 抬槓|海外台灣人看台灣 Overseas Taiwanese: Jo”32. 去義大利交換就是為了環歐 Exchange in Italy and travel around Europe ft. Jacob
Jacob talks about his experience of being an exchange student in Italy and backpacking around Europe. We also discuss the difference between Taiwanese and Italian university students.
Continue reading “32. 去義大利交換就是為了環歐 Exchange in Italy and travel around Europe ft. Jacob”29. 台灣人的英文好不好? 雙語國家可能嗎?ft. Katrina 老師 English Education in Taiwan – Will Taiwan Become Bilingual by 2030?
In this podcast, Katrina and I discuss whether Taiwanese people can speak English well. What is English education like in Taiwan? The Taiwanese government has set a goal for Taiwan to become bilingual by 2030. Is that realistic?
台灣人的英文程度怎麼樣?我們在學校是怎麼學英文的?台灣政府計畫在2030變成中英雙語國家,有可能嗎?以前當過英文老師的Katrina 來和我們聊聊她的經驗和想法!
Continue reading “29. 台灣人的英文好不好? 雙語國家可能嗎?ft. Katrina 老師 English Education in Taiwan – Will Taiwan Become Bilingual by 2030?”26. 農曆新年快樂! Happy Lunar New Year!
祝大家新年快樂!聊聊台灣人怎麼過年、過年對台灣人的意義,最後放首歌給你聽! Talking about what lunar new year means for Taiwanese people and how we celebrate it. I will play you the best new year song of all time(in my opinion).
Continue reading “26. 農曆新年快樂! Happy Lunar New Year!”25. 台灣人在法國的文化衝擊! ft. Miss Lin :French Culture Shock for Taiwanese Living in France
“I still experience culture shock because it’s really different!” Miss Lin has been living in France for six years, what kind of culture shock she’s still not used to? What can we learn from French culture? Listen to this episode to find out!
「到現在都還是有文化衝擊,因為真的差很多!」已經在法國住了六年的Miss Lin,有哪些生活上和思想上的文化衝擊呢?法國人有什麼優點是台灣人可以學習的?快來聽聽林老師精彩的分享!
Continue reading “25. 台灣人在法國的文化衝擊! ft. Miss Lin :French Culture Shock for Taiwanese Living in France”23. 《母語日》台灣有十幾種母語?!ft. 我爸 Taiwan has over 10 different mother languages?!
誰說台灣文化很單調?台灣其實有十幾種以上不同的語言喔! 這些語言以及台語和華語聽起來有什麼不一樣?還請到我爸爸來跟我用台語和「台灣國語」小聊一下!
I’ve heard a few people said that Taiwan’s culture remains the same anywhere. Well, I don’t think so! In the episode, you will hear how these languages sound like and me and my dad talking in a mix of Taiwanese Hokkien and Mandarin.
Continue reading “23. 《母語日》台灣有十幾種母語?!ft. 我爸 Taiwan has over 10 different mother languages?!”22.「台日友好」-為什麼台灣人這麼愛日本?!ft. 我姐 What do Taiwanese people think about Japan?
Why do so many Taiwanese people like to visit Japan and love Japanese products and culture? Listen to me and my sister chatting about the special relations between Taiwan and Japan from different aspects!
Continue reading “22.「台日友好」-為什麼台灣人這麼愛日本?!ft. 我姐 What do Taiwanese people think about Japan?”