我分享自己在澳洲騎腳踏車摔傷的經驗。I share my experience of biking around Melbourne, the time I got hurt, and my experience in getting help.
92. 甜湯 Dessert Soups
I share three classic dessert soups I love: sweet red bean soup, sweet mung bean soup and sweet potato ginger soup. 聊聊我最愛的經典甜湯:紅豆湯、綠豆湯、地瓜薑湯。
A big thank you to one of my listeners, Lilian Chin, for her assistance with the Chinese and English subtitles.
91. 台灣血淚史(2) Taiwan’s Painful Road to Democracy – History of Taiwan
In part two about Taiwan’s tragic journey to democracy, I continue to talk about the Formosa Incident(1979), Dr. Chen Wen-chen Incident(1981), and Nylon Cheng’s self-immolation for freedom of speech(1989). 接續上集討論台灣悲傷的歷史,這集繼續來談談台灣迎向民主之前的一些悲慘事件:解嚴前的美麗島事件、陳文成事件、鄭南榕為爭取百分之百言論自由而自焚。
90. 台灣血淚史(1) Taiwan’s Tragic History: Colonialism, 228 Incident and the White Terror
In this episode I talk about the contemporary history of Taiwan, which covers Japanese colonialism(1895-1945), the KMT (aka Chinese Nationalist Party)’s brutal rule: 228 Massacre(1947) and 38-year-long martial law period (aka the White Terror, 1947-1987). I also discuss the complexity of Taiwanese people’s identity. 本集談談台灣悲慘的歷史:日本殖民時期、國民黨來台後的228事件大屠殺、長達三十八年的戒嚴/白色恐怖時期,以及台灣人複雜的身份認同。
Taiwanese Folktale – The Robin Hood of Taiwan: Liao Tian-Ding – Easy-to-read Chinese Book
I released a new book! 我的新書《廖添丁》出了!⭐ Check out the book and use the code ‘podcast’ to get 10% off! (Valid til Mar 17 2023)
Continue reading “Taiwanese Folktale – The Robin Hood of Taiwan: Liao Tian-Ding – Easy-to-read Chinese Book”87. 你有完美主義嗎? Are You a Perfectionist?
Are you a secret perfectionist? In this episode, I share 7 signs of perfectionism as well as my personal experience. 你有完美主義但是自己沒發現嗎?我來聊聊自己的經驗、分享七項完美主義者的特質。
86. 紐約 24 Hours in NYC
Join me for a day trip through New York City: seeing a Broadway show for the first time, wandering Brooklyn at night, and having a ‘bad trip’. 聊聊我初次的美國行之紐約一日遊, 第一次去看百老匯、夜裡在布魯克林閒晃,還有一場意外的迷幻之旅。
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85. 斷捨離 The Art of Leaving
In the last episode of the year, I’d like to share a lesson I’ve learned. It’s about sorting through and re-evaluating your relationships, and, if need be, letting them go. 今年最後一集, 想聊聊我對於「斷捨離」這個概念更深層的體悟:關係的斷捨離。
⭐Improve your Chinese through reading Abby’s Graded Readers
83. 貴人散步 LUCfest Music Festival
Sharing my experience with this year’s LUCfest — a unique music festival in Tainan, Taiwan. 分享我今年去「貴人散步」音樂祭的經驗。
Chinese Novel: Lost in Translation咖啡店愛情故事 | Graded Reader
Lost in Translation eBooks & audiobook are now available!
🎉 My second Chinese Graded Reader: Lost in Translation is finally out! It’s a cross cultural romance novel based on a true story — best for intermediate learners. 我的第二本中文分級讀物來了!
Continue reading “Chinese Novel: Lost in Translation咖啡店愛情故事 | Graded Reader”