In part two about optimism and pessimism, Olga and Abby continue to discuss how to be more optimistic, and what it really means to love and accept yourself.
接續上一集,Olga 和 Abby 聊到太悲觀的時候要如何變得比較樂觀,還深入的探討:大家都說愛自己,不過到底什麼叫做「愛自己」?到底要怎麼做?(純屬個人經驗分享)
88. (上) 樂觀還是悲觀 Part One: Optimistic or Pessimistic? ft. Olga
Olga and Abby talk about whether they see themselves as more of an optimist or a pessimist, and what optimists and pessimists do when it comes to careers and relationships.
87. 你有完美主義嗎? Are You a Perfectionist?
Are you a secret perfectionist? In this episode, I share 7 signs of perfectionism as well as my personal experience. 你有完美主義但是自己沒發現嗎?我來聊聊自己的經驗、分享七項完美主義者的特質。
85. 斷捨離 The Art of Leaving
In the last episode of the year, I’d like to share a lesson I’ve learned. It’s about sorting through and re-evaluating your relationships, and, if need be, letting them go. 今年最後一集, 想聊聊我對於「斷捨離」這個概念更深層的體悟:關係的斷捨離。
Improve your Chinese through reading Abby’s Graded Readers
84. 找工作 Job Hunting in Taiwan ft. 小伊
小伊 talks to Abby about his experience with job hunting in Taiwan. They also discuss what their ideal job would be, ridiculous job interviews they’ve had, and problems with Taiwan’s job market. A lot of this episode is just Abby ranting (about the job market) lol 小伊和Abby聊聊他們找工作的經驗、誇張的面試問題、台灣求職環境的問題。不小心變成抱怨職場大會 xD
Improve your Chinese through reading Abby’s Graded Readers
83. 貴人散步 LUCfest Music Festival
Sharing my experience with this year’s LUCfest — a unique music festival in Tainan, Taiwan. 分享我今年去「貴人散步」音樂祭的經驗。
82. 去跳舞吧 Learning Dance in Taipei ft. Olga
Olga talks to Abby about her experience with learning Swing dance in Taipei. They also discuss the dance scene in Taiwan. Olga分享了她學Swing(搖擺舞)的經驗。
80. 最討厭的科目 My Least Favorite School Subject
Talking about the subject I hated the most in school and how cruel the teachers used to be 來聊聊以前在小學和國中我最討厭的科目,還有以前的學校和老師是如何摧殘小孩的求知慾。
74. 去早市買菜 Shopping at a Traditional Market
In this episode, I talk about my experience and the benefits of shopping at a traditional market in Taiwan, and teach you some useful Taiwanese phrases for shopping. Also an update: After thinking about it for a while, I’ve decided to switch to an episode every two weeks. Producing an episode a week is really tiring, and I’m starting to burn out. I want to maintain quality and my sanity by making the adjustment. I talk about it in more detail at the end of the episode 聊聊我最近開始去早市買菜的經驗和想法、幾句買菜可以用的台語。還有以後節目的小調整。
73. 斜槓 Slang: Slash/ Multiple careers
In this episode, I talk about what “斜槓” means and why some people choose to have multiple careers. I also share my experience. 為什麼現在的年輕人選擇斜槓呢?身為斜槓青年有什麼優缺點?我來分享我的經驗和想法。PS 之前錄的那一集已下架,但可以看逐字稿。