Abby and 日新 talk about what they love about Taiwan. Abby和日新聊聊他們喜歡台灣的什麼——分別以在地台灣人和台灣新住民(美國人)的角度。
91. 台灣血淚史(2) Taiwan’s Painful Road to Democracy – History of Taiwan
In part two about Taiwan’s tragic journey to democracy, I continue to talk about the Formosa Incident(1979), Dr. Chen Wen-chen Incident(1981), and Nylon Cheng’s self-immolation for freedom of speech(1989). 接續上集討論台灣悲傷的歷史,這集繼續來談談台灣迎向民主之前的一些悲慘事件:解嚴前的美麗島事件、陳文成事件、鄭南榕為爭取百分之百言論自由而自焚。
90. 台灣血淚史(1) Taiwan’s Tragic History: Colonialism, 228 Incident and the White Terror
In this episode I talk about the contemporary history of Taiwan, which covers Japanese colonialism(1895-1945), the KMT (aka Chinese Nationalist Party)’s brutal rule: 228 Massacre(1947) and 38-year-long martial law period (aka the White Terror, 1947-1987). I also discuss the complexity of Taiwanese people’s identity. 本集談談台灣悲慘的歷史:日本殖民時期、國民黨來台後的228事件大屠殺、長達三十八年的戒嚴/白色恐怖時期,以及台灣人複雜的身份認同。
84. 找工作 Job Hunting in Taiwan ft. 小伊
小伊 talks to Abby about his experience with job hunting in Taiwan. They also discuss what their ideal job would be, ridiculous job interviews they’ve had, and problems with Taiwan’s job market. A lot of this episode is just Abby ranting (about the job market) lol 小伊和Abby聊聊他們找工作的經驗、誇張的面試問題、台灣求職環境的問題。不小心變成抱怨職場大會 xD
⭐Improve your Chinese through reading Abby’s Graded Readers
81. 地震 Earthquakes in Taiwan
Talking about my experiences with earthquakes and 3 major earthquakes in Taiwan: 921 earthquake, 2016 southern Taiwan earthquake, and 2022 Taitung earthquakes. 聊我關於地震的經驗和台灣近幾十年來最嚴重的三場地震:921大地震(1999)、高雄美濃地震 (2016)、台東 (2022) 。
79. 台灣三十年來的改變、和英國的文化差異 Interview with Rob – 2
Rob talks about how Taiwan has changed since moving here in 1993. He also talks about the cultural differences between Taiwan and the UK and how Taiwan has influenced him. 訪問Rob的下集:Rob和我們分享他從1993年來台,這三十年來台灣歷經的各種變化。還聊到和英國的文化差異、來台後自己受到的影響。
PS, This interview was recorded in a cafe so the audio quality isn’t as good as usual 🙏
PS, 這集訪問是在外面錄的,所以音質沒那麼好,很在意音質的朋友可以先聽聽看別集~
78. 在台南30年的英國人 Interview with Rob – 1
Rob came to Taiwan from the UK in 1993. Since then, he has been living in Tainan. In this episode, he talks about what brought him to Taiwan and why he chose to make Taiwan his home. He also shares how he learned Chinese in the 90s. PS, This interview was recorded in a cafe so the audio quality isn’t as good as usual 🙏 Rob和我們分享當初為何大學一畢業就來到台灣、在台南定居至今,還有二、三十年前是怎麼學語言的。
PS, 這集訪問是在外面錄的,所以音質沒那麼好,很在意音質的朋友可以先聽聽看別集~
77. 《時代革命》Hong Kong Film: Revolution of Our Times, Taiwan-China Tensions
I recommend the Hong Kong documentary: Revolution of Our Times. I also talk about my thoughts on the tension between Taiwan and China. 分享我看香港紀錄片《時代革命》的想法,以及對於台灣和中國間的緊張關係的想法。
76. 租房子 Apartment Hunting in Taiwan
Sharing my experiences with apartment hunting, and renting an apartment in Taipei/Taiwan. 分享在台北/台灣租房子的經驗。
75. 共享單車&共享機車 Bike & Scooter Sharing in Taiwan
Today I’m sharing my experiences with bike and scooter sharing systems in Taiwan. 分享我使用台灣的共享單車和共享機車的經驗。
圖片來源 Photo credit: Goshare
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