聊聊剪頭髮這件事以及各種剪髮經驗。In this episode, I share my experience with getting a haircut in Taiwan. I also talk about making reservations, asking about prices, as well as my experience with different types and price points of haircut places in Taiwan, ranging from the extremely cheap to the more high-end.
96. (下)聊我們討厭台灣的什麼 Part 2: Things We Hate About Taiwan ft. 日新
Following their conversation on what they love about Taiwan, Abby and 日新 discuss what they find unpleasant about the country. 繼上集和日新聊了我們喜歡台灣的原因,這集來討論我們不喜歡台灣的什麼。
95. (上)我們愛台灣的原因 Part 1: Things We Love About Taiwan ft. 日新
Abby and 日新 talk about what they love about Taiwan. Abby和日新聊聊他們喜歡台灣的什麼——分別以在地台灣人和台灣新住民(美國人)的角度。
94. 推薦幾部台劇 Taiwanese TV Show Recommendations
I share some Taiwanese shows that I’ve watched and enjoyed. 分享幾部我覺得好看的台劇:《國際橋牌社(Island Nation)》、《人選之人—造浪者(Wave Makers)》, and more!
Best Taiwanese TV Shows to Watch and Learn Chinese
If you’re in the mood for some good Taiwanese TV shows to watch and/or learn Chinese, then you’re in luck! Taiwan has produced several quality shows over the years, and it’s important to highlight some of the best ones out there. I’ve selected 7 must-watch (and often underrated) Taiwanese shows for you. 我精選了七部好看的台劇,分享給學中文的朋友們吧!
Continue reading “Best Taiwanese TV Shows to Watch and Learn Chinese”93. 在國外受傷 Getting injured In Australia
我分享自己在澳洲騎腳踏車摔傷的經驗。I share my experience of biking around Melbourne, the time I got hurt, and my experience in getting help.
92. 甜湯 Dessert Soups
I share three classic dessert soups I love: sweet red bean soup, sweet mung bean soup and sweet potato ginger soup. 聊聊我最愛的經典甜湯:紅豆湯、綠豆湯、地瓜薑湯。
A big thank you to one of my listeners, Lilian Chin, for her assistance with the Chinese and English subtitles.
91. 台灣血淚史(2) Taiwan’s Painful Road to Democracy – History of Taiwan
In part two about Taiwan’s tragic journey to democracy, I continue to talk about the Formosa Incident(1979), Dr. Chen Wen-chen Incident(1981), and Nylon Cheng’s self-immolation for freedom of speech(1989). 接續上集討論台灣悲傷的歷史,這集繼續來談談台灣迎向民主之前的一些悲慘事件:解嚴前的美麗島事件、陳文成事件、鄭南榕為爭取百分之百言論自由而自焚。
90. 台灣血淚史(1) Taiwan’s Tragic History: Colonialism, 228 Incident and the White Terror
In this episode I talk about the contemporary history of Taiwan, which covers Japanese colonialism(1895-1945), the KMT (aka Chinese Nationalist Party)’s brutal rule: 228 Massacre(1947) and 38-year-long martial law period (aka the White Terror, 1947-1987). I also discuss the complexity of Taiwanese people’s identity. 本集談談台灣悲慘的歷史:日本殖民時期、國民黨來台後的228事件大屠殺、長達三十八年的戒嚴/白色恐怖時期,以及台灣人複雜的身份認同。
89. (下)如何變得比較樂觀 Part Two: How to Be More Optimistic? ft. Olga
In part two about optimism and pessimism, Olga and Abby continue to discuss how to be more optimistic, and what it really means to love and accept yourself.
接續上一集,Olga 和 Abby 聊到太悲觀的時候要如何變得比較樂觀,還深入的探討:大家都說愛自己,不過到底什麼叫做「愛自己」?到底要怎麼做?(純屬個人經驗分享)