Sharing my experience with this year’s LUCfest — a unique music festival in Tainan, Taiwan. 分享我今年去「貴人散步」音樂祭的經驗。
30. 旅行中遇到的人 – 機車環島(2) Scooter Round-trip in Taiwan (2)
Talking about the people I’ve met during the trip and why it’s unforgettable for me. 環島旅行第二集 – 聊聊我在旅行中遇到的人、讓我難忘的回憶。
Continue reading “30. 旅行中遇到的人 – 機車環島(2) Scooter Round-trip in Taiwan (2)”26. 農曆新年快樂! Happy Lunar New Year!
祝大家新年快樂!聊聊台灣人怎麼過年、過年對台灣人的意義,最後放首歌給你聽! Talking about what lunar new year means for Taiwanese people and how we celebrate it. I will play you the best new year song of all time(in my opinion).
Continue reading “26. 農曆新年快樂! Happy Lunar New Year!”17. 流行語:「佛系」、「厭世」 Trendy Slang: Buddha-like
「佛系青年」、「佛系員工」、「厭世代」…. 這些詞有什麼意思呢?我會告訴你這些詞的意思、背後的故事,還有90後年輕人的想法,最後再放一首好歌給你聽。
I will tell you some popular slang in Taiwan and China, and explain to you what they mean, the story behind them and how to use them in daily life. And, play you a great Taiwanese song at the end!
Continue reading “17. 流行語:「佛系」、「厭世」 Trendy Slang: Buddha-like”15. 心情不好的時候你會做什麼 What do you do when you’re feeling down?
What would you do when you’re feeling down? Talking about what I do when I am feeling down lately.
Continue reading “15. 心情不好的時候你會做什麼 What do you do when you’re feeling down?”13. 台灣的同志運動和遊行 LGBTQ Movement and Pride Parade in Taiwan
As the first Asian country to legalise same-sex marriage, is Taiwan LGBTQ-friendly? What surprised me the most when I went to pride parade in Melbourne? Also teach you some LGBTQ Chinese vocabulary.
Continue reading “13. 台灣的同志運動和遊行 LGBTQ Movement and Pride Parade in Taiwan”11.十月閒聊:感謝大家的支持、手作市集、中秋烤肉 October Chat
感謝一直以來大家的支持。這集跟大家閒聊我最近去了一個很有趣的活動,還有今年的中秋烤肉跟往年有什麼不一樣呢? 要聽到最後喔,有好東西!
Special thanks for those have been supporting me and my podcast! Talking about an interesting event I went to lately, and first time going to barbecues as a vegetarian.
Continue reading “11.十月閒聊:感謝大家的支持、手作市集、中秋烤肉 October Chat”5. 搭便車 Hitchhiking
Have you ever tried hitchhiking? Talking about my experience of hitchhiking in Taiwan. Listen to this episode to find out where is the best place to hitchhike and tips for hitchhiking.
Continue reading “5. 搭便車 Hitchhiking”2. 聊聊音樂吧!Mandarin Music
In this episode, I talk about one of my biggest passions – music. What was the best year for Mandarin music? Why music has influenced my life? Listen to this episode to find out! 談談我最熱愛的音樂、我認為華語音樂最棒的年代,還有音樂如何影響我的人生。
Continue reading “2. 聊聊音樂吧!Mandarin Music”