79. 台灣三十年來的改變、和英國的文化差異 Interview with Rob – 2

Rob talks about how Taiwan has changed since moving here in 1993. He also talks about the cultural differences between Taiwan and the UK and how Taiwan has influenced him. 訪問Rob的下集:Rob和我們分享他從1993年來台,這三十年來台灣歷經的各種變化。還聊到和英國的文化差異、來台後自己受到的影響。

PS, This interview was recorded in a cafe so the audio quality isn’t as good as usual 🙏

PS, 這集訪問是在外面錄的,所以音質沒那麼好,很在意音質的朋友可以先聽聽看別集~

Continue reading “79. 台灣三十年來的改變、和英國的文化差異 Interview with Rob – 2”

78. 在台南30年的英國人 Interview with Rob – 1

Rob came to Taiwan from the UK in 1993. Since then, he has been living in Tainan. In this episode, he talks about what brought him to Taiwan and why he chose to make Taiwan his home. He also shares how he learned Chinese in the 90s. PS, This interview was recorded in a cafe so the audio quality isn’t as good as usual 🙏 Rob和我們分享當初為何大學一畢業就來到台灣、在台南定居至今,還有二、三十年前是怎麼學語言的。

PS, 這集訪問是在外面錄的,所以音質沒那麼好,很在意音質的朋友可以先聽聽看別集~

Continue reading “78. 在台南30年的英國人 Interview with Rob – 1”

66. Bringing Taiwanese arts and culture to the U.S ft. Chantelle from Asiania

Chantelle來和我們聊如何透過Asiania的平台幫助台灣創作者推廣台灣的文化和藝術到北美。Asiania’s CEO Chantelle Lin talks about how to bring Taiwanese arts and culture to the U.S in an innovative way. 

Continue reading “66. Bringing Taiwanese arts and culture to the U.S ft. Chantelle from Asiania”

53. 外國留學生在台灣的生活 Life in Taiwan as an International Student ft. Pin Cher

What Is Life in Taiwan Like for an International Student? Today’s guest – Pin Cher is from Germany and currently lives in Hong Kong. She shares her experience of studying for a master’s degree in Taipei. 「在台灣的時候,我覺得是我最開心的一段時間!」來自德國、現居香港的Pin Cher來和我們分享她在2015年來台灣讀碩士的生活,為什麼她會這麼想念台灣呢?

Continue reading “53. 外國留學生在台灣的生活 Life in Taiwan as an International Student ft. Pin Cher”

50. 美國學電影:留學生活、文化差異 Study Filmmaking in Oregon

Today’s guest – Daniel is a photographer. He shares his experience of studying in Oregon. What did he like the most about living in the US? And the cultural differences between Taiwan and the US. Daniel分享他到美國奧勒岡州(Oregon)學電影的經驗,出發前後對美國的想像有什麼落差、美國生活和文化衝擊、平常時間都泡在…

This is a members-only episode. Join my Patreon to listen to this episode and download the PDF transcript.

44. 咖啡店老闆的台日異國戀故事(上)A Cross Cultural Romance in an Old Cafe #1 ft. 威廉

A cafe owner 威廉(William) talks about his love story with a Japanese lady.「等一人咖啡」台日版!語言不通要怎麼談戀愛?老屋咖啡店老闆 威廉來跟我們聊聊這段跨越語言、文化的台日愛情故事。

Continue reading “44. 咖啡店老闆的台日異國戀故事(上)A Cross Cultural Romance in an Old Cafe #1 ft. 威廉”

43. 熱愛閩南文化的義大利網紅 Chinese-speaking Italian Influencer ft. Giorgio

Giorgio is a Chinese-speaking Italian who introduces and promotes his home region—Sicily—through live streaming to his Chinese audience. In today’s episode, he talks about his experiences living in Guangzhou and Xiamen and why he loves Minnan culture.


Continue reading “43. 熱愛閩南文化的義大利網紅 Chinese-speaking Italian Influencer ft. Giorgio”