Do you know how to talk about your dreams in Mandarin Chinese? In this episode, let’s talk about dreams and nightmares. 聊聊做夢、我最近做惡夢的經驗。
68. 理性還是感性 Rational or Emotional ft. 我姐
Are you more of a rational or emotional thinker? Abby and her sister talk about whether they are emotional or rational. 我和我姐聊聊我們認為自己是理性還是感性的人、感性和理性有什麼特質。
67. 戴牙套 Wearing Dental Braces | 6 Minute Chinese
Talking about my experience with braces. 分享我戴牙套的經驗。Don’t forget to turn on CC for subtitles! (Tip: You could use the free tool Language Reactor to help you learn more effectively.)
62. 聊焦慮 All About Anxiety ft. 小伊
小伊 and Abby talk about their experiences with anxiety. They discuss what causes anxiety, and how they feel and what they do when they are anxious. 兩個容易焦慮的人——小伊和Abby來聊聊自己焦慮的經驗。我們討論了焦慮的原因、焦慮的時候會做什麼,還有焦慮發生時的感受。
59. 我聽的台灣podcasts 6 Taiwan Podcasts I Listen To
Share 6 Taiwanese podcasts I’ve listened to and like. They are good for upper-intermediate to advanced Chinese listening practice. 應聽眾要求,分享幾個我聽過、覺得不錯的台灣podcasts節目給你們。
Continue reading “59. 我聽的台灣podcasts 6 Taiwan Podcasts I Listen To”58. 聊交友軟體 Online Dating Culture in Taiwan
57. 秋日閒聊 An Autumn Ramble
A rambling episode of me sharing about what I’ve been up to lately, including going to a music festival and events, joining a book club, taking drawing classes, and more. 和大家分享我最近做了什麼,參加了久違的音樂祭、參加讀書會、開始學畫畫…等等。
Continue reading “57. 秋日閒聊 An Autumn Ramble”56. 談繪本創作 Healing through Art and Creativity ft. 小伊
小伊 talks to Abby about creating a picture book and healing his inner child through the process. 小伊聊聊他透過繪本創作來和自己的內在小孩對話、和解的過程。
55. 你相信星座嗎? Do you Believe in Star Signs? ft. 我姐
Abby and her sister talk about whether they believe in zodiac signs and how Taiwanese people love discussing star signs. 我和我姐聊聊我們是否相信星座。PS 純屬抬槓,不要太認真 XD
51. 失眠/睡不著 Insomnia: What to Do When You Can’t Sleep
In this episode, we talk about the common reasons for having difficulty falling asleep at night and what I do when I can’t sleep.我們來聊聊為什麼會失眠、睡不著的時候會做什麼吧!
Continue reading “51. 失眠/睡不著 Insomnia: What to Do When You Can’t Sleep”