In this episode, I talk about my experience and the benefits of shopping at a traditional market in Taiwan, and teach you some useful Taiwanese phrases for shopping. Also an update: After thinking about it for a while, I’ve decided to switch to an episode every two weeks. Producing an episode a week is really tiring, and I’m starting to burn out. I want to maintain quality and my sanity by making the adjustment. I talk about it in more detail at the end of the episode 🙂 聊聊我最近開始去早市買菜的經驗和想法、幾句買菜可以用的台語。還有以後節目的小調整。
72. 在國外交朋友、練語言 How to practice Chinese by making local friends
When you study or work in Taiwan, how do you make local friends to practice Chinese with? Listen to this episode to find out. 回答聽眾的來信:外國人在台灣要怎麼認識台灣朋友和練習中文?分享其他聽眾朋友和我的經驗。
Tip: Turn on CC for subtitles! You can also use the free tool – language reactor to help you understand better.
71. 探索老臺北:加蚋子 Explore Taipei: Gara ft. Olga
Olga talks to Abby about her hometown: Gara(Taiwanese: Ka-la̍h-á), which is South Wanhua, Taipei. 友人Olga來和我們聊聊她的家鄉——位於台北萬華的加蚋(ㄌㄚˋ)子。
69. 春日閒聊 A Spring Ramble
A spring ramble in which I talk about spring weather in Taiwan and going to an interesting music festival in a coastal village in Southern Taiwan. 和大家閒聊一下近況:台灣春天的天氣、去高雄蚵仔寮參加了一場很特別的音樂祭——蚵寮漁村小搖滾(Small Oyster Rock)。
Don’t forget to turn on CC for subtitles! (Tip: You could use the free tool Language Reactor to help you learn more effectively.)
Continue reading “69. 春日閒聊 A Spring Ramble”66. Bringing Taiwanese arts and culture to the U.S ft. Chantelle from Asiania
Chantelle來和我們聊如何透過Asiania的平台幫助台灣創作者推廣台灣的文化和藝術到北美。Asiania’s CEO Chantelle Lin talks about how to bring Taiwanese arts and culture to the U.S in an innovative way.
65. 便利商店 Convenience Store Culture in Taiwan
Did you know that Taiwan has the second-highest convenience store density in the world? Why do Taiwanese people rely on 7-11s and Family Mart so much? Listen to this episode to find out! 你知道台灣的便利商店密度是全世界第二高嗎?台灣的便利商店有什麼特別的?來聊聊台灣的便利商店文化吧!
Continue reading “65. 便利商店 Convenience Store Culture in Taiwan”64. 《返校》Taiwanese Game/TV Series: Detention
Share a good Taiwanese game Detention, which has been adapted into a film and a TV series. 分享一款台灣遊戲《返校》,及同名影集和電影。
Continue reading “64. 《返校》Taiwanese Game/TV Series: Detention”59. 我聽的台灣podcasts 6 Taiwan Podcasts I Listen To
Share 6 Taiwanese podcasts I’ve listened to and like. They are good for upper-intermediate to advanced Chinese listening practice. 應聽眾要求,分享幾個我聽過、覺得不錯的台灣podcasts節目給你們。
Continue reading “59. 我聽的台灣podcasts 6 Taiwan Podcasts I Listen To”53. 外國留學生在台灣的生活 Life in Taiwan as an International Student ft. Pin Cher
What Is Life in Taiwan Like for an International Student? Today’s guest – Pin Cher is from Germany and currently lives in Hong Kong. She shares her experience of studying for a master’s degree in Taipei. 「在台灣的時候,我覺得是我最開心的一段時間!」來自德國、現居香港的Pin Cher來和我們分享她在2015年來台灣讀碩士的生活,為什麼她會這麼想念台灣呢?
52. 3 Best Taiwanese LGBTQ Movies 我喜歡的台灣同志電影
I would like to share 3 of my favorite Taiwanese LGBTQ movies of all time with you. 跟你們分享我心中最愛的三部同志國片。