Abby and 日新 discuss whether they consider themselves procrastinators, the reasons behind procrastination, and how they cope with it. 日新和Abby聊聊覺得自己有沒有拖延症、拖延症的原因,以及要怎麼改善。
96. (下)聊我們討厭台灣的什麼 Part 2: Things We Hate About Taiwan ft. 日新
Following their conversation on what they love about Taiwan, Abby and 日新 discuss what they find unpleasant about the country. 繼上集和日新聊了我們喜歡台灣的原因,這集來討論我們不喜歡台灣的什麼。
95. (上)我們愛台灣的原因 Part 1: Things We Love About Taiwan ft. 日新
Abby and 日新 talk about what they love about Taiwan. Abby和日新聊聊他們喜歡台灣的什麼——分別以在地台灣人和台灣新住民(美國人)的角度。
89. (下)如何變得比較樂觀 Part Two: How to Be More Optimistic? ft. Olga
In part two about optimism and pessimism, Olga and Abby continue to discuss how to be more optimistic, and what it really means to love and accept yourself.
接續上一集,Olga 和 Abby 聊到太悲觀的時候要如何變得比較樂觀,還深入的探討:大家都說愛自己,不過到底什麼叫做「愛自己」?到底要怎麼做?(純屬個人經驗分享)
88. (上) 樂觀還是悲觀 Part One: Optimistic or Pessimistic? ft. Olga
Olga and Abby talk about whether they see themselves as more of an optimist or a pessimist, and what optimists and pessimists do when it comes to careers and relationships.
68. 理性還是感性 Rational or Emotional ft. 我姐
Are you more of a rational or emotional thinker? Abby and her sister talk about whether they are emotional or rational. 我和我姐聊聊我們認為自己是理性還是感性的人、感性和理性有什麼特質。
62. 聊焦慮 All About Anxiety ft. 小伊
小伊 and Abby talk about their experiences with anxiety. They discuss what causes anxiety, and how they feel and what they do when they are anxious. 兩個容易焦慮的人——小伊和Abby來聊聊自己焦慮的經驗。我們討論了焦慮的原因、焦慮的時候會做什麼,還有焦慮發生時的感受。
60. 跟團 vs 自助旅行 Guided Tours vs Independent Travel ft. 我姐
Do you prefer to travel solo or with groups? Abby and her sister talk about their experiences traveling in Thailand, both by themselves and in groups. They also share some funny stories—they almost missed a flight! 你出國喜歡跟團還是自助旅行呢?我跟我姐聊去泰國跟團的經驗、自助旅行遇到的好笑事情。這集我笑得有點多 XD
58. 聊交友軟體 Online Dating Culture in Taiwan
55. 你相信星座嗎? Do you Believe in Star Signs? ft. 我姐
Abby and her sister talk about whether they believe in zodiac signs and how Taiwanese people love discussing star signs. 我和我姐聊聊我們是否相信星座。PS 純屬抬槓,不要太認真 XD